While often recording the mundane aspects of daily life, taken in its entirety this diary represents a wonderful portrait of daily life in Ontario in the mid nineteenth century, in the household of an upper middle class family. It reflects the frustrations of beginning a new and probably very uncertain industry of life insurance; the health worries at a time when medicine was still primitive and infant mortality high; strong religious devotion that was evident in their daily life; household staffing problems and how servants were dealt with; and most of all, the intimate portrait of two people who loved each other very much.
August of 1851
Friday 29 Fine day. Busy at Registry all day. Meeting of Hamilton B.S.(may stand for Building Society) Raised the price of share to (unreadable amount). Miss Shaw came back p.m. Issued notices for a meeting of the Committee to organize Ontario.
Saturday 30 Very hot day. Still busy at Registry day & evening & getting quite tired of it. Little Hugh got something into his left eye and caused it to pain him very much & to inflame so that he could not open it--I trust it is nothing serious. Godfrey arrived p.m. from the Falls.
Sunday 31 Fine day. Godfrey and Mr. Simpson, an English gentleman traveling with him came to breakfast & spent the day with us. At church twice. Emma only p.m. Mr. Street preached a.m., Mr. Hebden p.m. a beautiful sermon on faith--Peter Hamilton died and only 51. Hugh's eye quite closed and very bad.
September, 1851
Monday 1 Fine day. Little Fanny's birthday--2 years old. Closed my Registry although I have 1,000 to 1,200 names to write in. Sydney left--Godfrey and Mr. Simpson at tea and they left by the Princess p.m. Had a meeting of Committee to organize Ontario and added 12 names and adjourned until Thursday. Little Hugh's eye much better p.m.
Tuesday 2 Fine day, heavy rain during the night. Miss Shaw left for Doon a.m. Life Assce P.M. attended funeral of P.H. Hamilton--wrote notice for meeting on Thursday. Hugh's eye nearly well again.
Wednesday 3 Busy--George removed to cottage from Davidson's. Mr. Wyatt drove my horse to plains and back. P.M. at city council--carried a reconsideration of the resolution of last meeting removing the Hay Scales & also had it rescinded--the Eastern men made plenty of bunkum speeches.
Thursday 4 Fine day--busy at Life Assce vault, finished. P.M. a meeting of committee to organize "Ontario". I was chosen chairman and other matters of detail were satisfactorily arranged. News from Cuba of Lopez' success. Called on the officers of 23rd Regt.
Friday 5 Fine day, hot. Busy, commenced to employ David Wright at Ontario business--p.m. drew up prospectus--engaged Pat Doyle for a few days of the month at £8. Wrote Robert Dart that provided his testimonials were satisfactory I would take him at £8 & if satisfied a subsequent advance.
Saturday 6 Fine & very hot day--sent off letters to proposed agents to ask their consent to open the books of the Ontario. Simons left for Woodstock for a few days. P.M. walked up to Blaikie's land to look over it--George went to a grand party on board "The Champion" one of a new direct line to Montreal. I at accounts etc. Pat Doyle came. John left. I gave him a written character for perfect steadiness, willingness & trustworthy. Mr. Geddes at the office, very cordial. I sincerely hope he has seen the error of his former course & that all will now work smoothly--Helen returned home, Marie came.
Sunday 7 Fine & very hot day. To church twice, Emma only a.m.
Monday 8 Again very hot, warmer than any former weather this year. Busy. Cuban news that Lopez and his party have all been shot. D. Wright brought me the signatures in favor of the 4 commissioners to open the books. P.M. at Registry again. Mr. Wyatt in about proposed public gardens on mountain.
Tuesday 9 Fine day not quite so hot. Busy--attended sale of Blaikie's land which was postponed for a fortnight--at Registry again--p.m. at Ontario preparations--Mr. Wyatt drove Maria & Hugh to plains and Charles brought them back.
Wednesday 10 Fine day tho cloudy a.m. a few drops of rain fell but it was most sultry, the hottest day I think of the year. A.M. a meeting of the Western board, put up the premium--my increase £23 odd. Busy most of the day at my Register, over 3000 names entered.
Thursday 11 Fine & very not day. Completed the more entry of names in my Registry 3640 and glad enough to get so far--tickets for Boston trip arrived last night for the corporation. A hotel is engaged for us and our expenses there will be paid. Met p.m. to arrange about going, I keep to my former determination. Marianne confined about 1 p.m. a boy. James birthday, very similar, Roberta being born on Xmas day. I wish my dear Emma was so far safe over her confinement. I certainly do not like the prospect of a fortnight's absence. Received letters from my father & aunt each wanting money. George dined with Vansittart and went to Madame Bishop's concert.
Friday 12 Fine & again very hot but a pleasant breeze. Busy completing my arrangements to leave for Boston tomorrow. Marianne better a.m. our children show the effect of the intense heat. Simons not back. Oh, may a merciful God watch over and protect me in my approaching long journey & as well over those dear ones I leave behind me. My beloved wife especially whom I leave in near approach to her confinement. He has been most gracious and merciful in the past, to Him alone can we look for protection henceforward. May His Holy Spirit teach us to thank Him earnestly for His watchful care and ordering all things to our good.
October, 1851
Saturday 18 Emma complaining, but Marianne & Anne being here in the afternoon she kept up. When I returned from the office I found the nurse sent for. She suddenly became worse & I left in haste for Dickenson--on my return found the child (transcriber's note: birth of Annie Gertrude) had been born about 15 minutes, Mrs. W. only being with her. I am most thankful that all seems right I have been so anxious--the child a fine fat girl with an extraordinary black head of hair. May God grant that we may be truly grateful for His many and great mercies & may He watch over my dear wife & infant child & grant an early restoration to health to the former. Walked down to tell Marianne the news.
Sunday 19 Emma & child doing very well although the former had not a good night's rest. At church twice. Mr. Hebden again. Rained a good deal a.m. Walked in to George's & they came to church p.m. Anne far from well. Wrote Aunt F. to come up & stand sponsor.
Monday 20 No rain. Emma & child very well. Western B.S. Busy day--busy at that p.m. annual meeting of Hamilton B.S. Old board re-elected with Tom Kerr & Corbey. Meeting of Finance Com agreed to make taxes 2/0 3/5. Busy putting up a stove in Emma's room but it was taken away during night on account of smoke. Wrote my father & sent him £150. Mrs. Wyatt drove out & brought Kate back.
Tuesday 21 Rain a.m. clearer p.m. Busy at Western B.S Report of Finance Com. Anne not so well. Emma & child doing very well. Put stove up again. P.M. received a telegraph from Godfrey that my dearest mother is very ill, much distressed at its vagueness, he says nothing about my going down. I grant I shall have better news tomorrow. May our Father be merciful to her and to us.
NOTE: Ann Cole Baker, Hugh Cossart Baker's mother, died on October 24, 1851. Hugh did not write any further in the diary, it is possible his grief was too great to put into words.
January, 1855
Monday 1 Very few visitors. F. Cory with me. In the evening went to Sydney's to speak to Mrs. Martin about coming to me during baby's weaning. She is to let me know in a few days. Wrote to Mamma and Marion before breakfast---windy.
Tuesday 2 Called to see Mrs. Bellhouse about making our collections and hear that Mrs. Burnet is to take her place--no meeting of S.S. (may refer to Sewing Society)
Wednesday 3 Day too wet to make collections. Mrs. Titus called to see me about a young person who has been serving with her for a time--I agreed to take her tomorrow upon hearing an excellent recommendation of her and finding that she is a sister to a person for whom Hugh at Mr. Alexander's insistence procured the situation of constable. Charles here.
Thursday 4 Saw Mrs. Burnet and arranged to collect with her tomorrow. Papa is expecting to find Kate & Tom here but after waiting until the evening had to return without them--Kate told me that Mrs. Martin could not come here--went to see Mrs. Titus respecting Bessie & encouraged by what she said offered her upon my return the situation of nurse which she accepted to my great delight.
Friday 5 Kate and Tom came & went--Frank having driven in for them--collected with Mrs. Burnet all afternoon -- like Mrs. B. very much--Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose called in my absence--Hugh attended Rev. Pierpoint's lecture on the "Golden calf".
Saturday 6 Catherine & Harriet left for a few days' holiday. Bessie taking C's place nicely. Charles came in for a short time. Grace went with Tom & Kate yesterday to Norval. Fine & mild.
Sunday 7 An admirable & impressive sermon from Mr. Hebden, may I take heed to what I hear. Could not go to church in the evening my cold being troublesome and the weather stormy.
Monday 8 Collecting with Mrs. Burnet from ten till one--not very successful. Helen came for a short time--Fanny Cory returning home--C& H returned. Very fine.
Tuesday 9 Hugh went to Toronto by the boat. Attended meeting of the sewing society. Fine.
Wednesday 10 Mrs. C. Gates called. Took Fanny & Annie in the morning & Hugh in the afternoon to have their likenesses taken at Milne's --
Thursday 11 Hugh returned about 4:00. The matter of his business not brought forward at the meeting. Papa walked in & seemed quite exhausted by the exertion--I was much gratified at hearing him warmly praise Frank. Mild and misty.
Friday 12 Mild & misty again--did not go out. Sent a letter to Aunt Fanny.
Saturday 13 Wet again. Papa came in again but was disappointed in getting a letter from Mama.
Sunday 14 A beautiful sermon from Mr. Hebden upon love to our fellow creatures as the test of the new nature. In the evening he was obliged to leave Robert in Dr. MacDonald's hands with an attack of croup. Very cold.
Monday 15 Annie wheezing a little did not venture to send her out--the children of late have cried much I fear there is mismanagement in the nursery--have begun to arrange the duties, etc., of the following day. May this plan be a means of good especially as teaching me to live more for eternity.
Tuesday 16 Dr. Dickenson vaccinated baby--saw Amanda & baby--the little thing growing nicely & promising to be pretty. Went to sewing meeting but found it had been postponed on account of the illness of Robert & Miss Br----ton. Saw Mrs. Macnab who gives me but little hope of having Mrs. Smith for Fanny. Called on Mrs. Wal---hall. Ventured to send Annie out although she still wheezes.
Wednesday 17 Messrs Palmer, MacMurray, Laurison & Cronyn conferred with Hugh upon the Reserve Fund appropriation question. Called on Mrs. Dr. O'Reilly. Amanda brought baby here--the first time he has been out. A very fine day.
Thursday 18 Kate spent the afternoon with me--Fine.
Friday 19 Hugh in high glee attending a juvenile bazaar at Miss Duffield's for missionary purposes. The large sum of 5/2 realized to my gratification. Miss D. sent word that he was the best boy in her school. Annie still wheezing.
Saturday 20 Hugh joined the curling club. He & Hugh walked to the ice & spent the afternoon there. Dear baby's first birthday.
Sunday 21 Very stormy. Went to church in the morning but could not venture in the evening. Most affecting sermon upon the Lord's supper. A very great number remained for the sacrament.
Monday 22 Catherine left & Bessie is duly installed in the nursery where I trust she will prove to me a valuable help. Eliza busy stitching papers for me ready for binding this being her regular trade she does it very expeditiously. Received a letter from Maria. Commenced reading Bickersteth's Christian Student. Very stormy.
Tuesday 23 Mrs. Street made a long visit in the afternoon. Kate came in the morning. Tomorrow the anniversary of Sydney & Amanda's wedding day is to be celebrated by a little party. Mr. Pickering the new General Agent and Mr. Simon took tea with us. Mr. P. very gentlemanly pleasing person. Papa in.
Wednesday 24 Very cold. Baby's vaccinated arm becoming sore & herself rather unwell. Fanny too complaining of headache. Saw Harris about his account. Hugh attended a good lecture upon the Puritan Fathers.
Thursday 25 Very cold and slippery--sent note to Miss Shaw
Friday 26 Called on Mrs. Archibald and Mrs. Thomas Kerr also upon Mrs. Geddes. Took Fanny & Hugh with me in a sleigh--poor baby seems troubled again with her ear and is very fretful. Kate here & promises to spend tomorrow with us. Snow storm in the morning.
Saturday 27 Kate spent the day with us. Walked out with her on a shopping expedition. Hugh went down to the ice but found no curlers there. Bessie kept baby at night for the first time as I have begun to wean her.
Sunday 28 Very stormy--very thin congregation in the evening.
Monday 29 Attended the B.S. meeting. Very stormy.
Tuesday 30 A painful scene took place in the board room of the C L A C (Canada Life Assurance Company.) Hugh was setting up. The sheriff irritated by a remark of Mr. MacLaren's upon the subject of Mr. Irvine's letter lost all command of himself & struck him in the face. Mr. MacLaren instantly squared up but Hugh seized him and Mr. Simons seized the sheriff but cutting words followed and all after attempts at reconciliation were unavailing as the sheriff refused to offer the ample apology his conduct required. Mr. Gilbert here.
Wednesday 31 Vikars Stephenson came to see Hugh in the evening with reference to this distressing business. The sheriff refuses still to apologize without Mr. MacLaren will do the same thus nothing can be done towards reconciling them. Still unfavorable weather but Annie went out for a short time for the first time since her cold and did not suffer from it. Amanda's baby christened but poor Amanda herself unable to be present being ill with a bilious attack. Hugh, Mr. Simons & Kate its sponsors. George William is the baby's name. The Misses Macnab called.
February, 1855
Thursday 1 Went out for a short time with Kate in the morning. This sad business yet unsettled all sorts of stories current respecting and of course the usual amount of misrepresentation and exaggeration. Another snow storm in the morning. Anne's box here but as yet we have learned nothing of her movements.
Friday 2 The sheriff apologized in a constrained manner through Mr. Gunn. Mr. MacLaren called in the evening to consult Hugh with reference to his reply. He has determined to accept it for the sake of peace, confessing his regret at its constrained tone. Mrs. Hatt & Mrs. Stow called on Mrs. Thomas whom the sheriff told them was too unwell to see anyone and in speaking on the subject his eyes overflowed with tears. Another letter from himself in the "Banner" and another bitter article against him.
Saturday 3 Amanda not yet out of bed. Kate here for a short time. No letter from Anne or Massey.
Sunday 4 Exceedingly cold. George came and took a bed with us. A beautiful sermon from Mr. Hebden continuing the text of last Sunday "Add to virtue patience", etc.
Monday 5 George left early. Intensely cold. Papa came in but does not seem very well. He received a letter from dear Mamma written while staying with Aunt Louise & Gertrude.
Tuesday 6 Expecting Anne & Massey but they did not come. Attended the sewing society but did not remain. Exceedingly cold.
Wednesday 7 Anne & Massey arrived by the quarter past one train. Anne looking very well and in excellent spirits. We went to Sydney's drove to the annual meeting of the H.I.B.S. but found it postponed in consequence of Messrs. Thomas & Juson's absence. Poor Mr. Juson fell while in Toronto yesterday and hurt himself very much & Mrs. J. went to him immediately. Searched in the morning for a nurse for the sheriff's nephew who is very ill with scarlet fever but could not succeed in finding one.
Thursday 8 Hugh & Massey went to Toronto. Hugh to attend the monthly committee meeting and Massey to see the Bishop. Mr. Simons spent the evening with us. Annie had the honor of winning two games of chips. Visited the Orphan Asylum with Mrs. Bellhouse and finished with her our collection for the Orphan & B.S. Society.
Friday 9 Hugh returned about 4:00. Massey in the evening. Anne spent the evening at Sydney's.
Saturday 10 Mrs. Carroll & Mrs. Dickenson at Sydney's endeavoring to induce Kate to return with them. Massey with us in the evening. Hugh met Mr. Lewis Marsh in the street and to his surprise found that he had been some days here established as assistant bookkeeper in the Bank of Upper Canada. Mrs. Marsh & children have gone to Oxford unable to meet with a house here.
Sunday 11 A beautiful sermon on the same text as last Sunday taking this time the two last virtues of St. Paul, but thin congregation morning and evening. Anne went to Christ's Church in the evening. Massey read prayer for us in the morning. His tone of voice a little less monotonous than formerly. Kate has made up her mind to return home. Mr. Lewis Marsh dined and spent the remainder of the day with us.
Monday 12 Went with Anne to wish Kate goodbye. Was introduced to Mrs. Carroll, Amanda not looking very well.
Tuesday 13 Went with Hugh & Anne to Mr. Irvine's lecture upon the destiny of Turkey. Very wet evening. Anne accompanied me to the Bazaar held on the plains for the building of a church there. The Grove cottage well filled. Papa in town.
Wednesday 14 Went with Hugh, Mrs. Osborne and Gunn to Buffalo. Hugh being one of a committee to inspect the stone there used for building purposes, with a view to its adoption for the C.L.A. office. The weather unfavorable and we were detained at the Falls and did not arrive until about 7:00. Had the pleasure of a short peep at the falls themselves which I had not seen for ten years. Very comfortable hotel at Buffalo.
Thursday 15 Walked out while Hugh was engaged and inspected the town. Pleased with the appearance of it. In the afternoon walked out with Hugh but could not go for the day being so wet. Went over an establishment producing very beautiful specimens of cabinet ware.
Friday 16 Returned home with Hugh by the express train and found the dear children very well. Massey returned to Bytown last Thursday. Sydney is not well. Snowing and cold.
Saturday 17 Sydney still unwell and Amanda also far from well. Anne spent the day with them. The two Mrs. O'Reillys and Miss O'Reilly called also Mrs. Stewart, Miss McNab and Mrs. Harvey. Still unpleasant weather
Sunday 18 Sydney illness proves to be measles. Better congregation than last Sunday.
Monday 19 Papa came for his letters and found two from Mamma awaiting him. Mrs. Hebden, Mrs. Sadleir, Mrs. Blythe and Miss Kate Hamilton called. Went with Hugh to Mr. Sheppard's lecture and much pleased with it.
Tuesday 20 Called with Anne upon Mrs. Judge O'Reilly, Mrs. Sheppard and Mrs. Simons. Went to the S.S. but did not remain. Mrs. Hatt and Miss McNab called.
Wednesday 21 Went with H & A to the lecture in the evening. Mr. Hebden has selected the Lord's prayer as his subject for the course. Mrs. Hebden called upon Anne. Fine.
Thursday 22 Anne spent the afternoon at Mrs. Blythe's.
Friday 23 Mrs. Bellhouse and Mrs. Geddes called. Very cold. Papa came in.
Saturday 24 Went with Mrs. Bellhouse to visit Mrs. Hyde but found that she had left her cellar and we could not find out where she was. Went to see Amanda and found Sydney better and sitting up. Wrote to Mamma.
Sunday 25 Mr. Bull preached in the evening much to our disappointment. The day excessively cold and the church not well warmed.
Monday 26 Papa came in but I did not return with him the day being bitterly cold. Sent a note to Kate to reach her on her birthday. Mr. Hebden called in the afternoon. Heard from Fanny.
Tuesday 27 Attended the S.S. meeting and remained to work, but few present. H & Mary Ann asked for leave to go out and remain until 2:00. Hugh much displeased. George here.
Wednesday 28 Amanda took her first walk here. She looks better. George persuaded her with Anne to drive to the ice. I went to sit with Sydney in her absence. Funeral of William Stephenson's baby which died of scarlet fever, just the age of our darling, how thankful I should be that we have been spared this dreadful complaint. Beautiful lecture on "Hallowed be Thine Name". Sparse attendance.
Thursday 29 (actually March 1, 1855) Harriet being she said so much hurt at my reproof for her remaining out so late expressed a wish to leave--I told her how wrong I thought her course & of course did not ask her to stay--went down to Mrs. O'Reilly's understanding that her cook was leaving her but found that she was to leave service--Papa came in for me and with Annie I went out to the Farm -- Annie delighted -- Helen and Flora looking exceedingly well but Papa certainly not in good health. Very fine.
March, 1855
Friday 2 Busy mending for Papa and Frank -- and arranging for Helen & Flora.
Saturday 3 Papa drove us home and found that poor Amanda is again indisposed. Snowing.
Sunday 4 Rather cold, Anne not well and did not go to church in the morning.
Monday 5 Wet day, remained in all day.
Tuesday 6 Attended sewing meeting. Mr. Stephenson's eldest child has been for some days despaired of--Miss O'Reilly called to enquire whether Harriet would take her Mamma's place but I asked H. She said that if I would overlook what she said she did not wish to leave. I told her that I would very gladly keep her.
Wednesday 7 Mr. Stikeman from Montreal went to the office to see Hugh who brought him with Mr. Marsh home to tea. Mr. S. accompanied us to church in the evening--he seems a gentlemanly young man and promises to make a good agent. Mr. Marsh arrived in the afternoon and to my disappointment without Kate. Indisposed myself.
Thursday 8 Mr. Stikeman dined with us. Went with Anne to Sydney's after dinner and accompanied us to the church society meeting in the evening. The meeting well attended. Mr. Palmer did not speak so well as usual. Mr. Cronyn made an excellent speech. Mr. Hill spoke for 40 minutes and prevented Mr. Shanklin and Mr. Boomer from addressing the meeting. Mr. Stephenson's second child dangerously ill. Hugh on the platform with the speakers to read the Treasurer's report--at Mr. Geddes' request. Lewis Marsh took tea with us.
Friday 9 Anne took tea with Sydney as did Mr. Stikeman. Papa came in for Mr. Marsh but he had just left us with Mr. Blakeney. Johnny Green here, exceedingly grown.
Saturday 10 Poor Mrs. Stephenson has lost the eldest child of scarlet fever. Hugh went to the ice to curl probably for the last time as the weather is growing very mild. Sydney still poorly.
Sunday 11 Mr. Stikeman accompanied us to church and spent the day with us. Very beautiful sermon from Mr. Hebden in the morning. In the evening Mr. Buller preached--his appearance is precisely that of a Romish priest.
Monday 12 Mr. Stephenson's third child ill. Lovely day.
Tuesday 13 Exceedingly stormy day, violent wind and snow. The Patriotic fund concert postponed until this day week.
Wednesday 14 Anne spent the day with Mrs. Hatt. Hugh and I dined with them at 5:00 and afterwards attended the lecture. The Stephenson's child dangerously and Florine also ill with the dreadful fever. Another letter in the Spectator published by Mr. Irvine's friends, which the sheriff feels greatly. Mr. Hebden unfortunately drawn into the matter. Baby unwell and Bessie very seriously so. Sent for Dr. Dickenson to see her.
Thursday 15 Bessie still ill. Baby also yet unwell, kept her at night and found that the poor child could scarcely sleep. Mr. Stikeman took tea with us.
Friday 16 Baby better and Bessie a little better also. Mrs. Titus called. Anne took Fanny with her when calling on Mrs. Juson--Mr. L. Marsh spent the evening with us.
Saturday 17 Bessie and baby better. Papa brought Flora and Helen and left them here. Very windy.
Sunday 18 Mr. Stikeman accompanied us to church. Very admirable and earnest sermon from Mr. Hebden reproving his congregation for their poor attendance at divine service particularly on week days and during Lent. Felt unwell and could not go in the evening. Mr. S and Anne went to Christ's Church in the evening. Hugh shocked and grieved to hear of the death of dear little Florine Thomas of scarlet fever. She was taken ill on Tuesday and died on Saturday. Mrs. Stephenson's third child only just alive.
Monday 19 Very unwell indeed. Find that I have influenza. Dr. D. here.
Tuesday 20 Hugh took Anne, Helen and Flora to the concert in aid of the Patriotic Fund. Too unwell to accompany them. About 600 present and the music and singing excellent. Rec. a letter from Maria.
Wednesday 21 Papa walked in looking unwell.
Thursday 22 The person called with wax flowers whom Anne has been anxious to find. Anne spent the afternoon with Mrs. O'Reilly and went to call upon Mrs. Carroll.
Friday 23 Harriet was married by Mr. Burnet to a farmer from Illinois who came for her on Wednesday and would wait no longer. She is to leave on Monday.
Saturday 24 Beginning to feel stronger but my cough is very troublesome still, wrote to Marion. Papa has taken Helen but left Flora a short time longer. Helen is to go to school at Miss Duffield's after Easter. Mary Anne ill with influenza.
Sunday 25 The weather not sufficiently fine to allow of my going to church. No gas again and candles required.
Monday 26 Mr. Lewis Marsh spent the evening with us. Harriet with her husband left. Felt much regret at parting with a servant who has for four years been with me and has always performed her work in the most unexceptionable manner.
Tuesday 27 Did not venture to the sewing meeting. Amanda very poorly. Flora has influenza.
Wednesday 28 Engaged Anne Reed to come to me after she leaves Mrs. Geddes. Flora still poorly. Anne only attended the lecture as Hugh also is ill. No gas again.
Thursday 29 Papa came and took Flora away. Called on Mrs. Thomas and found her looking better than I could have expected. She spoke much of dear little Florine. Saw Amanda who is better.
Friday 30 Sydney found his way here for the first time for a long while. He looks very pale but is much stronger. Had so bad a headache that I was obliged to keep in the house all day.
Saturday 31 Went to market and saw Amanda who is much better. In the afternoon called with Anne upon Mrs. Duggan, Mrs. Titus and Mrs. Billings, also engaged a servant from Mrs. Colcleugh until Anne Reed should come. George arrived and took a bed.
April, 1855
Sunday 1 Very cold and windy. Went to church in the morning. Very good congregation. Mr. Preston preached in the evening.
Monday 2 Heard that the poor Stephensons have lost their only remaining child. Anne and George took tea with Sydney, my cough much worse. Wrote to Fanny.
Tuesday 3 George left us. Papa came in. Attended the annual meeting of the Sewing Society and was elected secretary in place of Mrs. Juson who is going to England in June; but 14 present.
Wednesday 4 Lovely weather--becoming quite mild. Bridget Flanigan came as cook.
Thursday 5 Miss Jarvis spent the day with us. Amanda and baby walked here. The first time that A. has been about to take a walk for weeks. Miss Jarvis and Anne with Amanda took a drive. Very fine.
Friday 6 Good Friday. Went to church. An excellent sermon from Mr. Hebden. Not a very large congregation and no music, Mr. Allen being absent.
Saturday 7 Market produce very high. Wrote to Kate. Cough much better.
Sunday 8 Did not venture to church twice. Received the sacrament in the morning. May it be to my soul's good. Very large number of communicants. Very fine day. Mr. Bull preached in the evening.
Monday 9 Attended the Annual Meeting of the Benevolent Society. Large number of ladies present. Mrs. Thomas and all the office bearers re-elected. Anne spent the afternoon and took tea with the Stewarts.
Tuesday 10 Went to the Sewing Society. Searched for and found Jane Campbell or Mrs. Criel who promises to cook for me on Thursday when we propose to see a few friends.
Wednesday 11 Called on Mrs. Ambrose, Mrs. Lee & Mrs. Hunter but all out. Mrs. Hammerslay showed us the little toys that she is making for the sale--very ingenious. Hugh is consulting Mr. Rastrick as architect for his cottage in the country.
Thursday 12 Another slight miscarriage, so kept very quiet all day. In the evening we saw Miss McNab and Miss. N. McNab, Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Hunter, Miss Kerr, Miss S. Wetherall. Mr. Powis & 3 daughters, Miss Jervis, Miss O'Reilly, Mr. Brough, Mr. Atkinson, Mr. Rastrick, Mr. Gillespie & Mr. I. Marsh, Mrs. J. and Mrs. John Wetherall called in the afternoon--no dancing excepting when supper was being prepared. Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Hunter sang beautifully. Fine day.
Friday 13 Anne suffering with severe pain in her foot & with headache. Hugh had Alfred Powis, Richard Street and Johnny Rae to spend the day with him. A.P. an exceedingly well brought up, nicely behaved child. Amanda better.
Saturday 14 Thunder storm in the night. Very warm day & rain in the morning. Papa brought Helen in to remain with us. Ventured to walk as far as Harris' Winter clothing quite too oppressive.
Sunday 15 Mr. Hebden gave notice of the day of fasting & humiliation to be on Wednesday next. Sydney at church for the first time for many weeks. Very warm.
Monday 16 Helen commenced attending Mrs. Duffield's school. Papa came in & accompanied Anne and I with Hugh to the Bartonville property to select a building site. Hugh hoping to be able to put up a house before the end of the summer. We decided upon the end nearest town having for the present the most elevated spot.
Tuesday 17 Attended the sewing meeting. Anne in the morning alarmed us by spitting a great deal of blood. Sent for Dr. D. who says that she must be kept quiet and gave her medicine but did not look so seriously upon it as to build our anxiety. Helen took her first music lesson.
Wednesday 18 Annie seems pretty well and slept nicely all night. Dr. D. called and says that the wheezing is from the throat more than the chest. Very fair congregation and excellent sermon from Mr. Hebden--chiefly upon England's national sins. Mr. H. much fears that the judgement of the Almighty will yet rest heavily upon her for her unfaithfulness. Walked up the mountain with Hugh. Passed the Stephenson's house.
Thursday 19 Nothing noted.
Friday 20 Nothing noted
Saturday 21 Papa drove in. Went again with Hugh and Mr. Rastrick to the land. Mr. B. does not advise building at any time upon the most elevated spot of ground.
Sunday 22 Went to church morning and evening. Miss Brereton extremely ill with inflammation of the lungs--Very warm
Monday 23 Anne left us to stay with Sydney. George took a bed here. Mrs. Hatt and Miss McNab called also Mrs. Murray. Went to Mrs. Hebden's to endeavor to prevail upon them to allow me to sit up with Miss Brereton but Mr. Hebden said that as yet they were not too tired.
Tuesday 24 The sewing meeting held at Mrs. Street's on account of Miss Brereton's illness-- exceedingly warm day. Mr. Gillespie called. Mrs. Bridget has behaved so badly to the other servants that I was obliged to give her a warning only allowing her to stay until the end of her month upon condition that she behave properly. Very warm.
Wednesday 25 Took my first lesson in monochromatic drawing. Anne took tea with Mrs. Duffield. Went to Amanda's. Papa came in for Grace who was expected yesterday and waited until nearly 9:00 but was obliged to return without her. Rain
May, 1855
Monday 8 Miss Duffield still very ill. Home early & sent a letter to Mamma. Took a lesson in monochromatic drawing. Jane came as cook.
Tuesday 9 Extremely cold and quite a snow storm. Miss Duffield rather better.
Wednesday 10 Called on Mrs. Juson. Hugh spent the afternoon at Mr. Powis. Anne took tea with us and is to come here to remain until she leaves tomorrow. Very fine clear day the grass looking beautifully green and yesterday's snow fast disappearing.
Thursday 11 Miss O'Reilly and Miss Jarvis came to dinner and spent the day with us. Not well... Mr. Creswell took tea here. Very warm.
Friday 12 Remained at home and nursed all day.
Saturday 13 Anne very busy packing up and preparing for leaving on Tuesday. Beautiful day.
Sunday 14 Did not venture to church in the morning but went at night. A. was disappointed that Mr. Bull preached. Anne and Sydney heard the Archdeacon at Christ's Church. Very warm.
Monday 15 Called with Hugh on Mrs. Reid. Took a monochromatic drawing lesson. George did not arrive in the evening to Anne's surprise.
Tuesday 16 Annie last night became suddenly very ill showing many symptoms similar to the attack of last year. Dr. Dickenson came about 10:00 and sent for leeches which were not had without difficulty and delay. He also sent for Dr. MacDonald--by tartar emetic the leeches which bled profusely and calomen under God's blessing the inflammation subsided and although she passed a very restless night the more dangerous symptoms abated. Both doctors coming in the morning thought her much better. George came and cannot take Annie until Monday.
Wednesday 16 (NOTE: Two days were written with the same date of the 16th) Annie better but still very feverish and troubled by her cough. Dr. MacDonald saw her about 9:00 in the evening.
Thursday 17 Dear Annie poorly in the morning but better in the afternoon. Went for a short time with Anne to the bazaar for Mr. Burnet's manse. A most beautiful display of work. Mrs. Blythe called on Anne--Mrs. F. Cates on me. Mrs. Hunter also came to inquire for Annie.
Friday 18 Annie better. Dr. Dickenson thinks that change of air will be of great service to her. Wrote to Kate in consequence.
Saturday 19 Nothing noted.
Sunday 20 Mr. Palmer preached in the evening. Sydney and Amanda with nurse and baby are to accompany Anne home. Sydney not able to go to church.
Monday 21 George came for his cargo and took them all off about 5:00 in the afternoon. Felt very sorry to part with Anne. Papa and Grace came in.
Tuesday 22 Attended the S.S. meeting. Heard from Kate that Mr. Marsh will meet us at Oakville on Friday. Rather cold.
Wednesday 23 Mrs. Allan called. Busy shopping in the afternoon.
Friday 25 Left with Annie & Eliza by the afternoon boat. Mr. Marsh met us at Oakville. We had an extremely cold drive. A keen east wind blowing but there being only a buffalo robe in the buggy Annie was wrapped in it and arrived at Norval quite warm. Found dear Kate and Herbert looking extremely well and the house newly papered and so neat and comfortable. The country is lovely in its spring dress. Annie quite happy and well.
Saturday 26 Mrs. Sweeney called. Kate attended the "practice" in the church. Sat under the trees with the children during the morning. Herbert as cheerful, manly and original as ever.
Sunday 27 Went to church in the morning and heard from Mr. Marsh an excellent sermon. An excellent congregation and the singing really beautiful. In the afternoon Kate and I went to the Georgetown church where a still better congregation. Fine.
Monday 28 Rather gloomy day. Busy working for Kate.
Tuesday 29 Mrs. Munro called in. Made custard and pastry for a little party to be given by Kate tomorrow partly on my account and partly as a farewell to the younger Miss Brady who leaves for England this week. Very warm. Mr. Marsh examining candidates.
Wednesday 30 Kate was disappointed of several of her guests but some very nice people came and they proved extremely agreeable. Kate and Mrs. Sweeney sang some beautiful duets.
Thursday 31 Cold and rainy. Went with Mr. Marsh to persuade Mr. Sweeney to dine with us tomorrow if the Bishop comes.
June, 1855
Friday 1 Mr. Marsh left in a drenching rain to meet his Lordship. Kate had an excellent dinner prepared but just at the time it was probable he might arrive a telegraphic arrived from Mr. M. saying that he would remain where he then was. Mr. M., one of the church wardens took tea with us. Called on Mrs. Munro. The Bishop arrived at the church at 10:00 and confirmed 12 young people. A painful feeling was created by him publicly reproving poor Miss Brady for not holding up her head. He mistook timidity for obstinacy. After the service he walked over here and chatted a little while, afterwards taking Mr. M in his carriage to Hornby. A fine day. Poor Mrs. Sweeney in the greatest distress and not a little angry at what has occurred.
Sunday 3 Went to church in the morning and heard Mr. Dade preach, Mr. Marsh being with the Bishop who confirmed this morning at Georgetown. An excellent sermon from Mr. D. The Bishop much pleased with the congregation at Georgetown. Took a little walk with Annie and Herbert. The country looking so lovely and green. Very cold weather.
Monday 4 Rose at half past 3 to pack up and see Eliza off by the stage at 1/4 past 4. Kate having as much to attend to before starting we left too late and to my excessive disappointment missed the boat by 10 minutes. My only alternative was to sleep at the Credit or in Toronto. Mr. Clay who was at the inn strongly urged the latter course and seeing that the inn was very dirty I took his advice and after Mr. Marsh had telegraphed Hugh we all took the Toronto boat. I went to the Wellington hoping to see George but was disappointed as he had just left town. Kate and Mrs. Marsh being at the Mortimers we saw nothing of them during the evening. Chilly and damp weather.
Tuesday 5 Being rather anxious not to miss the boat I rose very early and after some little delay in seeing the people at the hotel we found ourselves safe on board and arrived at Hamilton about 11:00 where dear Hugh was waiting for us wondering at our delay as he had not received the telegraph. Feel quite thankful to find all my darlings quite well. Sydney and Amanda arrived just after us-she much better health. Having no cook at home they remained with us for a day of two. Made up my mind to take Bessie and baby to Toronto tomorrow when I accompany Hugh to the Church society Meeting. Fine.
Wednesday 6 Went to Toronto with Hugh, Bessie and baby. Introduced on board by Mr. Davidson to a Miss Walcot who with her sister and friend are travelling in Canada. They are West Indians. Miss W one of the most well informed and ladylike persons I have ever seen. Went to Mrs. Ellah's and waited there after having been with Mrs. Ridout to see her fine little boy, until Hugh took me to the C.B. meeting. Became so faint and tired that I was obliged to leave before the meeting was half over. Those speeches we heard were by no means interesting or good. Sat next to Kate and the Mortimers. Baby is already better for the change. Fine but cold.
Thursday 7 Returned home by the morning boat. Amanda and Sydney just leaving us to return to their own house.
Tuesday 26 Mary Anne's month expired. Eliza Jackson came in her place.
July, 1855
Sunday 1 Went to church in the morning notwithstanding the heat. In the afternoon Mr. Dumas preached an excellent sermon.
Monday 2 Still very sultry. Did not stir out all day.
Tuesday 3 Attended the last S.S. meeting of the summer. Found that about £130 had been realized. Many expressing great disappointment at the small result of our labors but considering the hot day and stormy evening I think upon the whole we did well. Very warm but growing cooler towards the evening.
Wednesday 4 Engaged a Scotch cook from Mrs. Hicks with whom I received an excellent character. Very cool & pleasant day. Took a monochromatic drawing lesson from Mrs. Duffield. In the evening walked up the mountain with Hugh to inspect his land there. We both came to the conclusion that the Bartonville property would be the best for building purposes. Baby not well.
Thursday 5 Called on Mrs. Stephenson, Mrs. D. MacDonald and Mrs. Stow. Mrs. Brown called. Poor baby not much better.
Friday 6 Took my last monochromatic drawing lesson of Mrs. Duffield--a walk with Hugh in the evening. Baby better but not well--propose to send her with Bessie to Toronto for the day tomorrow. Very cool.
Saturday 7 Dear baby returned from her trip to Toronto much better--Bessie said that she was in good spirits all day--Received a letter from Marion--Mamma told her to say that D V she leaves England on the 18th August.
Sunday 8 Very warm--Two admirable sermons from Mr. Hebden--The organ suddenly "sang" so much that it could not be played.
Monday 9 Still rather warm--walked with Hugh in the evening--heard from Mrs. Robillon.
Tuesday 10 Mr. L. Marsh took tea with us and accompanied us to hear Madam N. Paradi, etc., sing--we were much delighted with the singing and instrumental performance. Cool in evening.
Wednesday 11 Called on Mrs. F. Gates, Mrs. Bellhouse and Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Hebden. Rather warm--wrote to Kate and Miss Marsh.
Thursday 12 Mrs. Powis came to ask us to take tea with them tomorrow. Little Florence here.
Friday 13 Met Mr. and Mrs. Burton and Mrs. Bart at Mrs. Powis'. Very warm evening. Mrs. Bellhouse called.
Saturday 14 Papa came in but no letter from England for him--no cook arrived. Went with Mrs. Bellhouse to visit our ward.
Sunday 15 Mr. Blackman preached an excellent sermon in the evening--exchanging with Mr. Hebden.
Monday 16 Quite disappointed at finding the cook I had engaged has disappointed me. Mr. Keogh spent the evening with us. Wrote to Kate.
Tuesday 17 Excessively warm. Not well at all. Hugh sent for Dr. D. in the morning who came twice. Bessie took dear baby to Toronto and the little thing returned looking as bright as possible.
Wednesday 18 Much better but greatly disappointed to find that Bessie feels too poorly to remain and wishes to leave soon. The cook I had engaged came in the morning and as I thought promised to come through the day but has not made her appearance.
Thursday 19 Still excessively warm. Went over in the evening to Mrs. Hickle? and found the cook had returned to Woodstock. Spoke to Mrs. Libsit about taking Bessie's place for a month or six weeks.
Friday 20 Hugh's holidays commenced. Wind changed wet day and very chilly, the thermometer falling 30 degrees.
Saturday 21 Mrs. Libsit decided to take Bessie's place. Papa came in, two letters for him from dear Mamma stating that their passage was taken for the 18th. Helen returned with him--went for the first time this week into town. Very cool. Hugh not very well and at a troublesome meeting of the directors of the Europa.
Sunday 22 Went to church morning and evening. Mr. Hebden looks far from well. Communion Sunday--about 30 communicants.
Monday 23 Called on Mrs. Simons--took Fanny and Hugh with me and had a long search before discovering her new house. Very cool and fresh day.
Tuesday 24 Nothing noted
Wednesday 25 Mrs. Simons with her children spent the day with us Mr. S. coming--dinner and tea--Mr. Keogh dropped in and spent the evening here. Very cool.
Saturday 28 Engaged a cook from Capt. Blain to remain conditionally upon receiving a character from her master. Jane left early in the morning and not being at all satisfied with things below I exerted myself greatly to have everything in order before the new cook came and felt much fatigued. Mary Mulligan came in the afternoon.
Sunday 29 Thinking I had recovered my fatigue of yesterday I went twice to church but felt exceedingly tired in the evening. Very impressive sermon from Mr. Hebden.
Monday 30 While writing in the morning felt suddenly great pain which increased. I laid down directly took laudanum and sent for Dr. Dickenson who hopes I may yet get over this trouble. Mrs. Libsit came but at my request Bessie did not leave. In consequence of my illness could not go to the B S meeting as I had wished. Fine rather warm. George here for a little while.
Tuesday 31 Remained in bed all day but threatening symptoms increase. George came in. I sent dear Fanny to the farm to lessen numbers here as he was going there. Dr. D. does not yet despair my recovery but I do.
August, 1855
Wednesday 1 Bessie left but will sleep here--dear baby will go to Mrs. Libsit only when Eliza is away. Mrs. L. very attentive to me and useful. I fancy that the Dr. does now think that miscarriage has taken place. Still cool.
Thursday 2 Sat up for a little while. Mrs. Hebden came to see me. In the afternoon Hugh carried me downstairs to the sofa. Anniversary of dear Percy's birthday.
Friday 3 Ill all last night. Sent for the Dr. who remained with me until about 6:00. Very thankful to have Mrs. Libsit here as she was as efficient as Mrs. Gunn? could have been.
Saturday 4 Remained in bed all day and felt pretty well though much weakened. Baby becoming much more reconciled to Mrs. Libsit who is careful of her. Frank tells Hugh that poor Fanny is terribly bitten with mosquitoes.
Sunday 5 Was carried downstairs again and felt much better. Hugh Junior not very well, feverish. Very much pleased with Cheever's "River of Life".
Monday 6 While on the sofa after dinner was much alarmed at suffering a great deal of pain and other symptoms. Sent for Dr. D. who came immediately and shortly relieved my anxiety. Engaged a cook for Sydney who will now leave us to prepare his house for Amanda's reception next week.
Tuesday 7 Mr. M. and dear Kate arrived in the morning. Kate looking very well. Meeting of clergy and churchwardens at Christ Church. Mr. L. Marsh took tea with us.
Wednesday 8 My 31st birthday. May God help me to spend it better than the last. More to Him, less to the fleeting things of time. Dear Hugh left in the morning for Toronto to attend the C.S. meeting for investing the commutable fund and returned in the evening. Mr. L. Marsh again took tea here and went with his brothers, Kate and Hugh to hear Dr. Murray alias Kirvan lecture in Knox's church. Very cool.
Thursday 9 Papa came in and took Kate and Tom out to the farm. Papa is not well at all. No letter from Mamma.
Friday 10 Miss Jarvis called to say goodbye for a time as she is going to England or rather Scotland on a visit. Lewis March took tea with us having taken Hugh to look over a house with him. Very cool. Hugh's cough worse.
Saturday 11 Papa brought dear Fanny home looking very well. Hugh still poorly and the Dr. still attending him.
Sunday 12 Did not of course go to church but spent I trust a profitable day at home. Greatly pleased with a book given me by dear Kate on my birthday by the Rev. J. Newton. Very close. Hugh a little better and to have croton oil on his chest. Bessie here in the afternoon.
Monday 13 Sydney left to visit his property at Sydenham and to bring back Amanda. Hugh much better and playing in the garden.
Tuesday 14 Mrs. Graham came to work here. She appears a remarkably intelligent person and a good workwoman. Took a short walk with Hugh in the evening, the first time that I have been out since my illness. Wrote to James. Very lovely weather. Charles came in.
Wednesday 15 Hugh's cough rather worse. Somewhat warm.
Thursday 16 Mrs. Thomas and Marion called. Hot and warm.
Friday 17 Just before tea Mr. Stephenson called to say that he had heard George was dangerously ill. Hugh and I soon determined to go to him. Hastening we were just in time for the "Canada" and arrived at Toronto a little after nine when we found him very weak but much better. He had been suddenly attacked with inflammation of the bowels. Cold night.
Saturday 18 George passed a very quiet night and Hugh left this morning. Papa came by the early boat. I left him by the afternoon boat having the satisfaction of knowing that he was well taken care of. Hugh not very well.
Sunday 19 Hugh not well enough to go to church. He had a slight attack of asthma last night. Saw Kate who with Amanda and Nanny arrived yesterday. Sacrament.
Monday 20 Hugh had a very bad attack of asthma last night. He saw Dr. Dickenson this morning and remained at home. Kate promises to stay with us in a day or two. Papa brought a good account of George who was dressed and sitting up.
Tuesday 21 Papa drove a horse to the farm to see if it would suit us but William upon returning said it seemed too old.
Wednesday 22 Went to see poor Bessie and found her better. Much pleased with Mrs. More. Cool. Hugh received books from England.
Thursday 23 Kate came in the morning to stay with us. Walked out in the afternoon with her. Very dusty.
Friday 24 Amanda, Sydney, Miss Cory and baby spent the day with us. Mr. L. Marsh dropped in in the evening. Went with K.A. and Miss C. over Mr. Juson's fine establishment. Mr. Keogh showing us everything worth seeing. Very tired. Dear baby not very well. Kate writes that she is coming to us next week.
Saturday 25 Hugh's cold clings to him pertinaciously. Baby still poorly. The Dr. pays us daily visits. Kate deserted us before dinner. Not well. Papa came and confirms William's account of the horse.
Sunday 26 Did not venture to church either morning or evening. Rather warm.
Monday 27 Hugh very much troubled with asthma. Kate and I shopping.
Tuesday 28 At breakfast Hugh seriously proposed that he and I should meet Mamma at Boston as he thinks change alone will cure the asthma which troubles him. Dr. D. confirmed his idea and after making hurried arrangements, Kate assisting me, promising to take charge of my little ones, we left by the "America" for Oswego. The stewardess I found was an old servant of dear Marianne's. Talked much of her.
NOTE: It may be that the "asthma" was in reality the beginning of the tuberculosis or consumption which eventually proved fatal.
Wednesday 29 Arrived at Oswego about nine in the morning. Hugh had no asthma, took the cars almost immediately. I enjoyed this traveling with only my husband for my companion very much. We became very tired before night but finding that the "Canada" had.....telegraphed early yesterday morning at Halifax, we thought it better not to sleep at Springfield but to proceed directly to Boston. We arrived there about half past one on Thursday morning thoroughly tired out.
Thursday 30 Found Mr. and Mrs. I. Kerr and Caroline waiting to receive Bessie. Went out with Hugh to purchase a few things and then remained quite still until the arrival of our dear party. George we saw and he is looking well. Hugh and C. went to the vessel and brought first dear Emma and Maria and then after the luggage had been secured Mamma. Mamma I thought far less changed than I had from all the accounts we received of her expected to find her. Marion looking extremely well. Dear Mamma certainly better but not having recovered her complexion. Emma's manners are so gentle and pleasing, her conversation so intelligent and sensible, and her thoughtful affectionate care of others so amiable that we all derived the sincerest pleasure from her visit. We took tea at the table d'hote and retired rather early.
Friday 31 We started about one for our homeward journey the Kerrs traveling with us. Hugh took Emma to see Boston common and a little of the town in the morning. We traveled through to Albany, resting a little while at Syracuse. Emma bears her journey better than we had expected but she was very much tired before the evening.
September, 1855
Saturday 1 Left Albany and reached the boat in the evening. Emma was enchanted with the "Canada" she allows that in England there are no boats to equal it. A little rough on the lake.
Sunday 2 A lovely morning. We enjoyed the sail into our beautiful bay very much. Papa not there to meet us. We reached home about ½ past 9. Emma to our astonishment professed herself ready to go to church. Mamma accompanied her. I have been so much weakened by the journey that I was unable to go. Marion also was obliged to remain. Papa came in about 12:00 and after dinner drove Mamma and Marion home. Papa seems so thoroughly happy to be once more with Mamma.
Monday 3 Obliged to remain on the sofa all day. Mr. Palmer called in the afternoon to see Hugh and was introduced to Emma. In the evening Mr. Marsh came expecting to see Mamma. Emma seems tolerably well. She is delightfully (unreadable) with everything and everybody.
Tuesday 4 Hugh and Emma actually walked up the mountain. Mr. Marsh came again. George who was not well yesterday and obliged to remain to be nursed at Sydney's is much better and left today. Papa drove Mamma in. She looking rather fagged. Mrs. Thomas called.
Wednesday 5 Hugh and Emma went to Christ's Church where the Archdeacon gave a visitation address. Mr. Usher preached. Kate, Amanda and Miss C. took tea with us, Sydney too busy to come. Very fine.
Thursday 6 Emma suffering from headache and remained quiet all day.
Friday 7 Hugh drove Emma and I to the farm. Mr. Marsh with dear Kate and Herbert arrived just before we started. Rather warm. Mamma not looking very well. Emma finds Kate greatly altered.
Saturday 8 Mr. Marsh obliged to return not being able to get his place supplied.
Sunday 9 Quite disappointed that indisposition again obliged me to remain at home. Emma went...... to church and bore the fatigue upon the whole tolerable well. Very warm.
Monday 10 Mrs. Thomas and Marion called to ask us to take tea with them tomorrow. Mrs. Walker also here to speak about.......
October, 1855
Wednesday 9 Emma so much pleased with everything. We sauntered out a little while but the weather is uncertain. I am already feeling better and they are all so kind.
Thursday 10 Walked to the point with Emma, Aunt F., Eliza and baby--quite warm morning and enchanted with the view and scenery. Aunt F. brought us some luncheon and a book and there we remained until a sudden storm drove us in. Very much tired and obliged to lie down for some time.
Friday 11 Although somewhat damp Emma and I went out during the greater part of the morning. Anne went into town. H. walked with Aunt F. to see Mrs. Hogg who talked about the fall of Sebestapol, etc. Made a large collection of leaves and mosses. Raining in the afternoon.
Saturday 12 Raining all last night and all today. In the morning Emma and I read Malvin (?)....together and then went up to the attic where she read to me "No Church Without a Bishop" whilst I varnished leaves. After dinner I copied a nasturtium in leather and Aunt Fanny read to us Milman's Fall of Jerusalem--a most beautiful thing. Eliza's binding for Aunt F. and baby so good. Aunt F. and I talked for some time about our plans for Massey.
Sunday 13 Went to church with Captain B., Aunt F. and E.--the latter part of the road terribly rough and jolting. Mr. Strong preached as usual a good sermon but delivered in a painfully careless manner. Saw Godfrey and Bessie after church. Anne kindly walked with me over the roughest part of the road and I returned home in the buggy. Anne stayed in town. Received a note from dear Hugh complaining of not having heard from me it was rather short and altogether to me unsatisfactory. In the evening Capt. Baker read one of Mr Alford's sermons which Emma had brought with her--Very fine in the morning but not in the evening.
Monday 14 Directly after breakfast wrote to Hugh and was writing to Maria when Capt Baker took away my letter not even giving me time to finish it. Afterwards walked a little but feeling tired did not accompany Aunt Fanny and Emma in their walk to the "Big Bay". Aunt F. took E. upon their return for a drive but a wet afternoon spoiled the pleasure of being out again as I had anticipated. Emma heard from England. Good news of dear Aunt.
Tuesday 15 Nothing noted
Wednesday 16 Aunt F. drove Emma into town. While she attended the B.S. meeting E. walked with Bessie to government hill She also went with Aunt F. to the falls and visited the rapids at Spark's Mills. Upon their return commenced a sketch from the attic window. (in pencil)
Thursday 18 (note, date is off here-original was written in pencil) Received a letter from Hugh. Walked with Aunt F., Emma and Capt. Baker to the creek on Wood's land--a most lonely spot but was very tired upon my return and obliged to lie down all the afternoon, not going down to tea. Very mild day--no rain. Dear Annie's birthday. Wrote to Maria and the two Hughs.
Wednesday 19 (note day and day is off here--original written in pencil) Dr. and Mrs. Sewell called upon us. Was much pleased with Mrs. S. Anne, Eliza busy in taking her plants owing to the frost last night. Worked a little in the garden.
Friday 19 Lovely warm day. Fanny Forest arrived in Bytown.
Saturday 20 Mrs. and Miss Cheter with little Alice called on me. Mrs. C. is a very lady-like person. Fanny looks very delicate but her baby the picture of health and much like Charley. Emma and I walked to the point.
Sunday 21 Did not go to church but sent Eliza in my place. Emma and I took a little walk and enjoyed one of Mr. Alford's sermons.
Monday 22 A letter from dear Hugh he tells me that George has been again seriously unwell. The dear children well.
Wednesday (no date) Wrote to Hugh. Very bad weather. Had a letter from Hugh and Maria.
Friday (no date) Went into town with Anne and called upon Mrs. Sewell and Mrs. Cheter also did some shopping. Very late when we returned.
Saturday (no date) Still cold bad weather
Sunday (no date) Received the sacrament. Trust with profit.
November, 1855
Monday 5 Left Woodrooffe about 11:00 feeling deeply the kindness I have received from all its hospitable inmates. Saw Godfrey and Bessie for a few minutes. Took some money from Godfrey. Waited with Anne and Aunt F. a long while at the station before the train arrived. Just as it was starting Aunt F. discovered she had left her bag behind containing her purse, our lunch, etc., so she ran off to look for it. In the meanwhile the cars began to move with Anne on and Aunt F. off and both at some risk remedied their position. Little Katie merry as a lark and poor Aunt Fanny tried to be cheerful under her loss but it affected her spirits visibly. Arrived at Prescott we took the ferry to Ogdensburgh and went to the St. Lawrence Hotel where we are to await the Europa.
Tuesday 6 Learned that the Europa is not "in" and thought to be aground. Aunt Fanny crossed to Prescott to make enquiries about her lost bag and we wandered about Ogdensburgh very uneasy about the Europa and very uncertain as to whether we should be rightly informed when she came in. About 5:00 Aunt F. returned to us. We were told that the Europa had put in to Cobourg from stress of weather but was expected tonight consequently we did not undress until about 12:00--but no boat was announced. My room was over the bar room and a most dreadful din was kept up there until nearly 2 in the morning.
Wednesday 7 To our delight the Europa was perceived to be coming in just as we were crossing the river--in order to take the river boat at Ogdensburgh--Aunt Fanny went with us to Northrup's and there left us to take the cars for Bytown. We received a message from Capt. Harrison that he would call at Prescott at 2:00 and I had a delightful letter from dear Hugh. The room was intolerably hot so we remained out as long as possible and were truly thankful to at last find ourselves in Captain Harrison's charge on board the Europa--Mr. and Mrs. Keefer had called on us and Mr. K. offered to see us off but did not however make his appearance--Emma seemed quite comfortable on board and slept well although at Kingston she fancied we were aground and at last succeeded in making me believe this also and to great amusement......when we found our mistake we rose and dressed ourselves.
Thursday 8 A most lovely day. Both Emma and I thoroughly enjoyed it and remained on deck the greater part of the day. At Toronto we went on shore for a little while and Emma had an excellent glimpse of Toronto fashion. It being the afternoon and fine weather, hundreds of carriages were driving about. We were late in leaving and my anxiety to reach home grew rather feverish. It was quite dark and little Katie had fallen asleep when at last we arrived and dear Hugh came on board looking very ill I thought. He had actually been waiting for us since 4:00--at home I found my dear Hugh and Fanny looking very well indeed, as was also Maria who had everything so comfortable prepared and who seems to have filled my place very well indeed. My joy and thankfulness at once again being at home and with my husband were great indeed. Kate and Amanda came to see us in the evening.
Sunday 18 Spent a quiet happy anniversary of our wedding day alone with my dear husband who was more than usually kind and affectionate. May God grant that I may in the future more zealously consult his welfare in every respect. Received the sacrament--about 70 communicants.
Monday 19 Mrs. MacDonald called in the morning to ask Maria to a little party there. Sent out for her and she enjoyed it tolerably well.
Tuesday 20 Received a note from Cap. Baker. Papa came in, took Maria home with him. Went to Amanda's and there was Mrs.Cory who had just arrived. Mr. and Mrs. K.B. Wilson called.
Wednesday 21 Very raw day. Went out a little in the afternoon but did not accompany Hugh in his walk. Felt very tired at night.
Thursday 22 Went out a little with Fanny in the morning and with Hugh to the farm in the evening where we took tea and brought Helen back with us. Dear Emma looking very well indeed. Mr. Lewis Marsh called and also Mrs. Geddes just as we had left.
Friday 23 Caroline Green and Miss Marsh took tea with us. Very windy and some rain. Went for a walk with Hugh. He has a bad cold and I think it increased by going to the gas company's meeting in the evening.
Saturday 24 Not feeling very well kept quiet all day--Miss O'Reilly called. A lovely day.
Sunday 25 Did not dare venture to church. A beautiful sermon from Mr. Hebden Hugh said on the close of the church's year. Mr. H. informed Hugh that (here the diary ends)
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