Anna Maria Mård kept this picture as a reminder of the strength of character of the people of Finland.
Anna Maria Mård (Mord) was born on April 1, 1880. She was born in Harjavalta, Finland. Her home was on the shore of water, and as a child, in winter, she would happily ski a much shorter distance to school across the ice. Her father was a coppersmith and may have had a previous Finnish name that was changed to the Swedish "Mård" due to migration and changing borders between Finland, Russia, and Sweden. My mother thought the family name was originally Tååskynen, though I cannot find any evidence of this name. Anna told stories of her youth to family members and she recalled that the Russians drove the Finns out of her part of Finland and the family members became refugees staying with relatives in Helsinki. The situation was very crowded and work was short. Anna had a brother who was in North America for a time, but went back to Finland to fight the Russians in the 1939 Winter War and was never heard from again. Anna came to Boston about 1897 as a young woman, aged 17, and worked for a wealthy family until she could work off her passage to North America. She was a tailor by trade.
On August 30, 1902 Anna Maria Mord married Herman Peter Alho at Worcester, Massacheusetts, USA. Herman was aged 27, a wireworker born June 21, 1875 in Finland, who had immigrated to the USA in 1900. Herman's father was Mikko Pentinmaki; his mother was Kristina Kiikka. Anna Maria was aged 22, of Warren, Massechusetts, her occupation was 'operative' Her father's name was Johan Mord; her mother's name was Loviisa Snikkar. Earlier in August 1902, the intention to marry was recorded with slightly different details. Herman is recorded with the occupation of laborer, and Anna is a millhand. Herman's parents are Michael Alho and Christine Kiikka. Anna's parents are listed as Johan Mord and Louise Snilkarum.
Anna and Herman Alho had a daughter named Irja Esther Alho, who was born in Worcester, Mass. on July 13, 1904. At age 4, Irja and her mother, Anna visited Finland. The nearest relative in Finland is located in Tervola, Roveniemi, Finland. At age 6, Irja Esther Alho is listed on the Federal Census of April, 1910 as an inmate in Chicago at The Norwegian Lutheran Children's Home.
Herman Peter Alho registered for the draft on Sept 12, 1918. He was 43 years of age, a carpenter, and states he has a broken back and is therefore unable to serve. At the time of the 1930 census, Herman is divorced and living in a rooming house in Worcester Mass. He listed his closest relative as his daughter, Eria (Irja Esther) who lives in Canada. According to City Directories, Herman Alho lived the remainder of his life in Worcester, Massacheusetts, USA and died there in 1948. His daughter, Irja Esther, later of New York City, was married at age 23 to Benjamin Parkman McDaniel, a hotel manager in Manhattan, but was divorced and living in New York City at the Gregorian Hotel according to the census of 1940. Benjamin Parkman McDaniel died in Indiana in 1972. According to family letters, Auntie Essie married married a man named Joseph Salerno on May 13, 1942. She died November 22, 1964 in New York City.
After Essie died (Irja Esther Salerno), her sister Iris went to New York City to handle the estate. A Queen Anne channel back chair in wine brocade was brought back to Canada as Essie had left it in her will to her sister's son-in-law. This antique chair, Anthony Jackson proclaimed while visiting, was the most comfortable chair he had ever sat in. This late 19th century chair was acquired by Essie when the Waldorf Astoria Hotel was torn down in 1929 to make way for the Empire State Building. The chair is cherished today by descendants for its provenance and for its connection to family.
Later Anna Alho met Johan Arvid Mustonen, a man of Finnish descent, and they married. The Certificate of Marriage certifies that on the 13th day of November, 1915 at Duluth, Minnesota, John Arvid Mustonen of Port Arthur, Canada married Anna Maria Mord of Appleton, Wisconsin. Anna and Johan had a daughter, Iris Margaret Mustonen who was born earlier in Appleton, Wisconsin June 25, 1910.
Anna later divorced Johan Arvid Mustonen on January 12, 1938. The divorce file gives a record of all the places where Johan and Anna lived. After the marriage of Anna and Johan, they lived at Port Arthur, Ontario, until early January, 1919, when Johan proceeded to New York City to obtain employment as a newspaper editor, and was followed in August of 1919 by Anna. According to the U. S. Census taken on January 7, 1920, the Mustonen family was living at that time in the Borough of Brooklyn, Kings County, New York. John A. Mustonen is the head of the household, Anna M. Mustonen is his wife, Esther Alho is listed as stepdaughter aged 15, and Iris M. Mustonen is a daughter aged 9. They lived in New York City until August, 1920, when they returned to Port Arthur, Ontario and remained there until late June or early July 1922, after which they lived and cohabited in Turtle, Ontario until September, 1926, and at Decimal, Manitoba, during summers and in Port Arthur, Ontario during winters until July, 1928, after which they remained in Decimal, Manitoba, until March, 1932 when they moved to Elma, Manitoba until the occurrences of adultery with an unnamed female occurred. Anna lived the remainder of her life in Canada as Anna Maria Martin. She died August 18, 1963, and is buried at Barrie Union Cemetery, Barrie, Ontario.
Information on the history of the Mustonen family was provided by a generous researcher in Finland. On May 10, 1877, the family moved from Utajärvi. to Paavola. Records for Paavola, the birthplace of Johan Mustonen, are now held in Ruukki. Paavola parish church books show the Mustonen family were farm owners living in the village of Lapinkylä number 19 Parras farm. The patriarch of the family was Pekka Antinpoika Mustonen, born October 10, 1812. Pekka was the son of Antin Mustonen. At the time of the move, he was widowed. His son, Juho Mustonen, also a farm owner, was born December 5, 1844 at Utajärvi. His wife was born Kaisa Pekantytär Rusanen on March 4, 1845 at Utajärvi. Kaisa was the daughter of Pekka Rusanen. No wedding date is recorded in the parish records. There were seven children born:
1. Anna Valborg, born December 24, 1869 at Utajärvi, Finland
2. Per, born November 25, 1871 at Utajärvi, Finland
3. Kaisa Brigitta, born September 28, 1874 at Utajärvi, Finland
4. Olga Elisabet, born July 7, 1876 at Utajärvi, Finland, and who died November 4, 1881
5.Greta Johanna, born December 9, 1878 at Paavola, Finland
6. Juho Arvid, born February 25, 1882 at Paavola, Finland
7. Olga Maria, born August 18, 1884 at Paavola, Finland
Records show that the Mustonen family left Paavola and moved back to Utajärvi on November 28, 1885.
Juho or Johan Arvid Mustonen was born February 25, 1882 at Paavola, Finland. Johan Arvid attended the People's College Of Liminka 1899 - 1900, and then the Teacher's Academy of Kajaani until graduating in 1904. He taught school from 1904-1906 in Iisalmi, and then became a newspaper editor in Kuopio from 1906-1907. He wrote a book called SALAT JULKI, or Secret's Out, about the underground socialist movement in Finland. The book was dated October, 1908 and published by Hämeenlinna in Finland in 1909. A copy of the book is at the Oulu library in Finland. Johan Arvid came to North America after writing the book and met Annie Maria Mård in the USA. The couple along with Annie's small daughter Esther, moved to Appleton, Wisconsin where Johan Arvid attended Lawrence University. His only daughter Iris Margaret Mustonen was born June 25, 1910 in Appleton. The family moved to Canada where Johan Arvid became the editor for Canadian Uutiset from 1915-1919, and then later back to New York City where he became editor of New Yorkin Uutiset from 1919-1925. Returning to Canada in 1925, Johan Arvid settled in Quorn, Ontario for the remainder of his life. He divorced Anna Maria on January 12, 1938 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He lived for many years with Fanny Maria Simola, nee Zants. According to his last will and testament, dated February 1, 1952, Fanny was his housekeeper.
From the book by Arja Pilli entitled, "The Finnish language press in Canada, 1901-1939; a study in the history of ethnic journalism," the following was written about Johan Arvid Mustonen. "Johan Arvid Mustonen (b in Finland 1882, d in Canada 1955) was originally a schoolteacher by profession. After a short period as a teacher, in 1906 he began his journalist's career on a small Finnish socialist newspaper Savon Työmies. After having escaped from Finland to N. America in 1908 he was a journalist at Työkansa, obviously in 1908, and only briefly. In 1915-1919 he was Editor of Canadian Uutiset, and in 1919-1925 of New Yorkin Uutiset. After that he worked for a railway company and as a postmaster in Canada." From the library at Oulu University in Finland, a remembrance publication from 1950 about the history of the Teacher's Academy of Kajaani (Kajaanin Seminaari) gives information regarding graduates from 1900-1950. Ahti Mustonen has translated from Finnish the following, " Mustonen, Johan Arvid. * 2/25/1882 Paavola. Parents, peasant Jussi Mustonen and Kaisa Rusanen. Graduation certification from the Seminar of Kajaani 1904. Commercial-, bookkeeping- and English courses at Lawrence University USA 1908 - 09. A teacher of an elementary school at Valkeinen village in Iisalmi 1904 - 06. A newspaper's editor in Kuopio 1906 - 07. Worked as a journalist and a postmaster in USA and Canada. Study trips to Finland, Sweden, England, USA, and Canada.. Special interests, life's philosophy. Spouse, Anna Maria Mustonen. Children, one." Lawrence University is in Appleton Wisconsin, the birthplace on June 25, 1910 of Johan Arvid Mustonen's only child, Iris Margaret Mustonen. According to the National Archives website detailing post offices and postmasters, Johan Mustonen was the postmaster at Quorn, Ontario from August 9, 1947 until his death January 25, 1955. At that time, the post office in Quorn closed and has never reopened.
John Arvid Mustonen sent a letter to Luisa Mustonen of Utajarvi, Finland in 1951.This typed letter was saved by relatives, and copies were given to Roger and Richard Mustonen of Hackensack, Minnesota when they visited Finland in July 2009. The letter has been translated by a translator with The Finnish Council of Minneapolis. The letter reads as follows:
"Post Office Quorn, Ontario, Canada"
"February 19th, 1951"
"Liisa Mustonen, my childhood companion and partner in play: Hello and all the best! I'm doing well in every way. How are you doing? A month ago I received your letter dated December 21st. It was a pleasing and welcome letter. I am very grateful to you for it. It brought back a lot of childhood memories from distant times. I hear that you moved from Ahola. You ended up there during your second marriage. There, you did a lot of work and you spent many years in your life. I remember having passed Ahola by boat, but I guess I never visited the house in Ahola. Yes, I heard that my cousin there, Heikki, has done a lot of work, expanding the fields, meadows, and of course you were involved too. And now? Ahola is in younger hands and you are living in Utoslahti, by Kallio and under the handsome pine forest cover. I remember it. I remember the Hautakaarre located just by it. I remember Kasala, I remember everything and the opposite shore of the river Ollila, Lesola and all the other places, I remember all of them even after more than fifty years of absence. Therefore your letter telling about all of those things touched my heart. Similarly, the person you mentioned. I missed information (you do not mention them), about your brother Matti and sister Pirkko (Brigitta), whose hand was paralyzed, also about smith Matti Kallio's son, Matti and his sister Aino. You haven't mentioned any of them. Yes, Anna, Kurttila's wife, you mentioned once, but the others you have forgotten to mention. I remember your sister Pirkko from the times when both of her hands were good. Pirkko was a happy, cheerful girl. What has become of her? Jaako Honkanen from Lesola, of course, is gone. What about the former residents of Ollila, shoemakers Honkanen and boys Erkki, Kalle and daughter Hilma? Similarly, you never mentioned the Perttula residents. There were several sons and at least two daughters. Do any of them live in Perttula anymore? Are houses built by Utosjoki river up from Perttula and from that old Lesola mill by the Nuojua rapids? I guess the old Kallio mill is gone, because you wrote about a new mill there by the village. And your brother Eljas has a house in Kasala, probably close to the former Kasala barn buildings, close to where you hit me on the cheek with the ballstick (baseball bat) so that I passed out for a moment. I think it served me right. It was my fault to stand so close behind you. I should have known that a girl always makes a full circle when batting with a stick. And the old Mustola house also has new residents. That old Mustola should be an independent parcel farm. When my late father was still alive I sent him money to buy it and register as an independent parcel farm. I do not know what happened with it. That parcel farm was was supposed to be registered in my name. I have sometimes thought to come there and ask, by what right and whose consent do other people reside at old Mustola, since I have never given away my right to anyone. But who cares. I do not need that old Mustola. I admit: it holds many dear memories of my childhood. Despite the poverty, it was my home. I had a good father and the world's best mother and pretty nice sisters and a brother. That reminds me that there are only two of us old Mustonen "kids" alive: Hanna there in Oulu and I here. My brother Pekka died fifteen years ago and now my sister Kaisa has died in a place called Floodwood in the State of Minnesota. That is where she had as neighbors your husband Heikki's brother Pekka and possibly also the youngest of the brothers Jaakko Jeremias. I met them once in the final days of the year 1908. Since then, I do not know anything about them. Also, in January, 1908, I met once, during a train journey, the old Adam Laukka, the son of the lumber chief Laukka. And once I met an old Junttila girl from Utoslahti, I think her name was Anna, but it is already 35 years since that meeting. Those are the only Utajärvi people that I have met here. No dear Liisa, my friend, I have not had a support network of old friends and relatives and I haven't really needed their help. I have less pleasant memories of your husband Heikki's brothers and my sister Kaisa's husband, Isak Kurttila. Isak didn't even inform me about the death of my sister Kaisa. I heard about it from other sources. Well, who cares. May Isak Kurttila live the way he wants. I live my own life. This world is big enough for both of us. So Liisa, my childhood friend, you passed that handsome age marker of 70. I still have a little over a year to that. Soon I will be 69, so it seems that I'm also gathering some years here. But since I'm perfectly healthy, and don't have a shortage of my basic needs, I don't really mind my age. I live just like I used to. I will let time go, one day go, and another one come singing and humming just like I used to when I was younger. I bet you remember hearing me singing in a boat there in Utoslahti waters, by the Kallio pine forest and elsewhere. Your daughter Anna Kaisa once sent greetings in one of your letters. She did it well. I liked it. When you see your daughter, giver her my greetings and tell her that I liked her father, Antti Kemillä, a lot. Antti was a good man. This is how this letter now turned out, bringing my friendly greetings to you. I wish you from the bottom of my heart good health and a happy, fulfilled life, and also for your husband Heikki. Heikki of all the brothers was a good friend and a companion to me. Please, write me again. Write often for your fun and to pass time. Remembering you,
Arvid Mustonen."
The Fort William Daily Times-Journal, Friday, January 28, 1955
John A Mustonen, 72, Former Editor Dies
A former newspaper editor, John Arvid Mustonen, 72, died Tuesday at Quorn, Ont., where he had lived for the past 35 years. John Mustonen worked with newspapers in Finland and several cities in the United States and was the first editor of the "Canadian Uutiset" (Canadian News), a Finnish newspaper published in Port Arthur. Born in Paavola, Finland, he received his early education there and later attended a teachers' college at Kajaani for four years. He taught school for several years and then took employment as a newspaper reporter, later being editor of a paper in Helsinki. He moved to New York in 1906 and worked with several newspapers there. He attended university there, studying English and commerce. He came to Port Arthur about 40 years ago and was instrumental in starting the Canadian Uutiset. He became first editor of the paper in 1916. About 35 years ago he moved to Quorn Ont., where he worked for 27 years as pumpman with the CPR. He retired eight years ago and since that time had worked as postmaster at Quorn. His home and family were his chief interests. Surviving are: his wife, Fanny, at home; a daughter, Mrs. Iris Edwards, Toronto; a stepson, Charles P. Simola, Toronto, four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. The body is resting at the Jenkens Funeral Home and will be taken Saturday to Toronto for cremation.
Johan Arvid Mustonen wrote a will dated February 1, 1952, appointing his daughter Iris Margaret Edwards and his housekeeper Fanny Maria Simola to be the executors and trustees of his will. The will begins with, "This is the last will and testament of me, Johan Arvid Mustonen, teacher, Journalist, and Postmaster, residing at present at Quorn, Ontario, Canada." His last wishes were as follows, " The sum sufficient for my own quiet and moderate funeral expenses. If possible my body be cremated and the ash scattered over the wild woodlands at Quorn, Ontario from a flying airplane. All of this to be done without any religious ceremonies of any kind." Johan Arvid also left to his housekeeper, his house at Quorn with all its furniture and household goods and all the books in his home library, along with a sum of money. He divided the remaining portion of his estate among his four grandchildren, Doris Amy Edwards, Margaret Anne Edwards, John Edwards, and Robert Edwards. The will was granted letters probate in March, 1955, and the assets were distributed at that time.
Iris Margaret Mustonen was the daughter of Johan Arvid Mustonen and Anna Maria Mård (also spelled Mord).
Iris Margaret Mustonen was born June 25, 1910 at 6:00 a.m. at Appleton, Outagamie County, State of Wisconsin. Her birth certificate gives her address as 850 Garfield, Appleton. Her parents were John Arvid Mustonen, a mechanic, and Annie Maria Mard a housewife, both of Decimal, Manitoba, Canada, and both born in Finland. In the census of 1921, the family is living in Port Arthur, with Iris Margaret listed as Margaret, age 11. In June of 1929, at age 18, Iris was a business school student, living near a hospital at 127 West Willis, Detroit, Michigan. On June 21, 1929, just days before her 19th birthday, Iris gave birth to a baby boy. She gave her name as Iris M. White and she named the baby boy George White. Iris stated that she was a nursing student, but gave her correct birth date. The father of Iris' baby boy is unknown, but DNA results have shown that he was of Finnish heritage, as was Iris. George White was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Paine Wolcott Sr. of Michigan, who legally changed their adopted baby's name from George White to Jesse Paine Wolcott Jr. in November, 1929.
Jesse Paine Wolcott Jr. was raised by his adoptive parents, Jesse Paine Wolcott Sr. and his wife Grace Sullivan. The family lived in Port Huron, Michigan, where the father was a politician and a soldier from the U.S. State of Michigan. On Feb 16, 1952, Jesse Wolcott Jr. married Joan A. Riley who was born 1931. Five children were born to the couple, Bill, Steve, Terri, Linda, and Christine. Jesse Wolcott Jr. died July 25, 1982 in Michigan. He was never reunited with his birth mother, but those who knew Iris and her loving and caring personality, know that she must have thought of her son every day of her life.
Iris Margaret Mustonen moved back to Winnipeg, Manitoba after placing her son for adoption. She met and fell in love with Richard Sydney Parker Edwards, and they married April 11th, 1932. Iris gave birth to her second child, a daughter named Doris Amy Edwards, her first child with her husband Dick Edwards. Dick was born November 11, 1906 and died in Barrie Ontario on May 25, 1991. For more information on the life of Dick Edwards, see the Edwards page of this website. Iris is remembered by those who knew her as a loving and generous woman. During the war, her husband Dick was absent for over three years and Iris took care of the family at home. Iris wrote regularly not only to her husband, but to all friends, family and acquaintances who were active in World War 2. Her husband described her as as a person who could build you up when you were feeling down. Iris sent parcels containing cigarettes, toiletries, magazines and food from home to her husband and to many others. So many letters and parcels arrived that the other men were said to be jealous. Iris wrote nearly every day and was instrumental in keeping Dick's spirits up throughout the war. In August, 1943, Iris went to work for the Bell Telephone Company, while the children were in the care of her mother, Anna, who lived with the family. Iris had four children with Dick Edwards, namely Doris Amy, Margaret Ann, John Sidney Parker, and Robert David Gordon Edwards. Iris died in Florida on December 31, 1972.
Doris Amy Edwards-Doris was born September 5, 1932 in Winnipeg, Manitoba and she died March 10, 1994. Doris' name was lovingly chosen as it represented the phrase, "Dick Loves Iris." On October 18, 1952, in Barrie, Ontario, Doris married Anthony Maxwell Jackson. Coincidentally or perhaps with forethought, their wedding date was exactly fifty years from the date Doris' grandparents Amy Wyatt Patterson and Harold Sidney Parker Edwards were married. Doris' husband, Anthony Jackson was the second son of Albert Eric Jackson and his wife Jessie McMaster.
Albert Eric Jackson was born to Anthony Jackson and Catherine Jackson, formerly Maxwell on February 22, 1903 at Graysonside in the county of Cumberland, England. Jessie McMaster was born to Robert McMaster and Esther McMaster, formerly Harkness on June 26, 1908 at Albion Grove, Carrington Street, Hull, in the county of Kingston upon Hull, England. Eric and Jessie met at a dance at the Community Hall in Papcastle, which was very close to where Jessie lived. They were married October 12, 1927 at the parish church in Bridekirk, in the county of Cumberland, England. Shortly after their marriage, Eric was interviewed about a job in Canada. His brother Jed (William Ernest Jackson) had accepted a job in Magog, Quebec, and on May 12, 1928 Eric and Jessie made the voyage to Canada on board the S.S, Minnedosa. According to the ship's manifest, Eric was a farmer, employed by Howard Murray of Magog, Quebec. Within weeks of arriving in Canada, on June 3, 1928, their eldest son Hugh was born. Soon after, Dr. Wilder Penfield hired the English farmer to manage Dr. Penfield's summer home and farm near Magog, Quebec.
Jessie Jackson died on June 4, 1971 at North York, Ontario. She was buried at St. Paul's Anglican Church Cemetery, Stroud, Ontario. Eric Jackson died on December 6, 1980 at Scarborough, Ontario, and is also buried at St. Paul's Cemetery, Stroud, Ontario.
Eric and Jessie's second son, Anthony Maxwell Jackson was born in East Bolton, Quebec, April 13, 1930. Anthony's father was managing a summer home and farm for Dr. and Mrs. Wilder Penfield. A silver baby cup, engraved on the bottom with the names of the noted neurosurgeon and his wife, was given to the infant as a gift. While Anthony was a young child, the family moved many times, settling in St. Catharines, Kingsville, London, Lucan and finally near Barrie, Ontario. It was in Barrie where Anthony met Doris and they married. Initially, Anthony chose a career of farming, but then joined the Ontario Provincial Police on November 24, 1954, just days after his second child was born. After a short time in Penetanguishene, from November, 1954 until June 1955, Anthony was transferred to Wasaga Beach. He served the summer at Wasaga Beach from June 1955 to September 1955, and was then transferred to Bracebridge until November, 1966. It was in Bracebridge where Anthony was remembered as a well known and popular member of the community, noted for leadership in sports activities, as he helped found the Police Boys Club in 1958. His leadership ability was especially noted during his presidency of Minor Hockey. Upon transfer to London, Anthony was promoted to the rank of Corporal and remained in that role until October 1973 when he was transferred to the London DHQ Communications Unit where he remained until his untimely death in 1974. Anthony had a life long hobby of assembling and painting model aircraft, and had accumulated several hundred models, all meticulously and precisely painted. They were at one time on display with the Experimental Aircraft Association in London, Ontario. The collection of model aircraft is currently on display at the 427 (London) Wing, Royal Canadian Air Force Association at 2155 Crumlin Road, London, Ontario.
Another of Anthony's collections was on display at the Ontario Provincial Police detachment office in Bracebridge, Ontario from 1958 when the newly built office opened. Anthony had written to police forces throughout Canada and United States asking for a shoulder flash to be mailed back. Once the collection was complete, it was framed in cypress wood, handcrafted by Anthony's youngest brother Alan. Anthony died suddenly at the age of 44 on December 4, 1974. He is buried at Mount Pleasant Cemetery, London, Ontario.The framed collection bears this plaque, "In Memory of Cpl. Anthony Maxwell 'Tony' Jackson, 1930-1974, Who created and presented this display of police badges to the Bracebridge Detachment, Ontario Provincial Police." In 2024, the framed collection was returned to the family when the Ontario Provincial Police announced that a new detachment office would be built and the large display would not likely be included in the design of the new building.
Doris Amy Edwards was born in Winnipeg on September 5, 1932. She was baptized on December 11, 1932 at the parish of All Saints, Winnipeg, in the Diocese of Rupert's Land. Doris' Godparents were Stafford Taylor, Mrs. Jean Taylor, and Miss Frances Edwards. Doris lived in Winnipeg until moving with her family to London, Ontario in 1936, and then in 1937 to Barrie, Ontario. She graduated from high school and was employed for short time by the Bank of Commerce. After her marriage to Anthony Jackson, Doris stayed home to care for their children. In Bracebridge, Doris enjoyed curling and volunteering in the community. When Anthony was transferred with the O.P.P., the family moved to London, Ontario in January, 1967. Doris returned to school and earned her Early Childhood Education Diploma at Fanshawe College. She served as nursery school teacher at several schools including Miss Matthews Private School. After the death of her husband in 1974, Doris decided to open a day care centre in London, naming it the Anthony Jackson Memorial Centre. Later, in 1983, Doris was the founding president of the London Jazz Society. Al Burton of the London Jazz Society said, "She was the driving force behind founding the London Jazz Society. Her first love was traditional jazz, but whenever possible, she tried to encourage exciting and entertaining young musicians. She gave freely of her time and money to establish the London Jazz Society." When Doris died in 1994, a scholarship fund was established to honour outstanding young jazz musicians at the University of Western Ontario, London. The fund is known as the Doris Jackson Memorial Award and each year awards are given to students who make significant contributions to the Jazz Ensemble at Western University, London, Ontario.
The children of Anthony and Doris Jackson are:
1. Linda Susan Jackson, born in 1953, who married David William Jordan in 1973. David was born in 1951 and is the second son of William Edward Jordan and his wife, Mildred Moody. For the history of the Jordan family, see the Jordan family page on this website. David and Linda have three children: Kevin Anthony, born in 1982; Angela Susan, born in 1985; and Daniel Gregory, born in 1987.
2. Richard Anthony Jackson, born in 1954. Richard is married to Florence Darlene Hilliard, born in 1955 and daughter of Alvin and Joan Jacobson. They married on April 7, 2001.
3. Carol Ann Jackson, born in 1956, who married Brian Howlett in 1980, later divorced. They have two children: Craig Gerard, born in 1983, and Stephanie Brianne Dinase, born in 1985.
4. Stuart Eric Jackson, born in 1960.
Margaret Ann Edwards-Peggy Edwards was born June 2, 1936 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She married first Douglas McArthur on September 18, 1954, and later Patrick Joseph Brennan (October 2, 1933 - March 13, 2009) on July 4, 1969. Peggy Brennan died at Barrie, Ontario on May 25, 2006. Peggy will be remembered for her generosity and kindness towards her family and friends. She was buried with her grandmother at Union Cemetery, Barrie, Ontario.
The children of Douglas and Peggy McArthur are:
1. Gary Wayne McArthur, born in 1955, who married Monica Elsbeth Belinda Blocksdorf in 1978. They had three children, Ryan Peter McArthur who was born 1983, Robyn Elsbeth McArthur who was born 1986, and Tessa Danielle McArthur who was born 1987.
2. Peter Douglas McArthur, born 1956, who married Beverly in 1977, and had a daughter Jamie Leigh Margaret McArthur. Peter later married Jocelyn Griffiths.
3. Karen Ann McArthur, born in 1958, who married David Hodgson, born in 1957, in 1980. They had two children, Iris Ann Hodgson, born in 1985, and Thomas Reilly Hodgson, born in 1987.
4. Sandra Cathrine McArthur, born in 1962, who married Stephen DeLuca. Cathy and Steve had two daughters, Angie-Lee, born 1994, and Patricia Amanda born 1996.
John Sidney Parker Edwards-Jack was born June 19, 1938 in London, Ontario, and died February 19, 1983 in Toronto, Ontario. He married Ann Majher, born in 1940, on November 12, 1960; they had two children, Paul and Susan. Susan has a daughter Lauren.
Robert David Gordon Edwards-Robert was born in 1950, and married Christine Watt, born in 1951, in April, 1978. They have a son, Richard Alexander, born in 1993.
If you wish to contact me about any of the above information, please e-mail me, Linda S. Jordan at . If you wish to use any of the information found on my website,
kindly e-mail me and ask for my permission. Content copyright Linda S. Jordan © 2003 - 2025 unless otherwise noted.